Earning money online is the trend now. This is a very welcome opportunity for people who need the extra income, housewives, retirees, and students...You can actually work anywhere, in the kitchen, in your room, in the park, or drinking coffee at the cafe,as long as you have your dependable computer and an equally dependable internet connection. To some, this is just pretty amazing...it sounds so easy, and you can be your own boss, and you can take time off anytime, any day you want without the hassle of having to meet all your deadlines first and informing the Boss. On the other hand, there are those who have reservations about believing anything theyve read, or heard about earning money online. Of course theres the doubt of whether one can really get paid once they are done with whatever it is they need to do. Next would be the challenge of technology and learning something totally different from what we learn from business schools. Lastly, (or should I say the first thing), is the thought that goes :How am I supposed to do this thing right without a live person telling me how to do it. Well, as they say, you can never tell unless youve tried it.http://www.dollarsincome.com/